As you grow wiser with the years, you’re going to notice more pains and aches throughout your body. One day, you may feel as though your knees can’t let you bend over to grab something from the floor without producing an insanely loud popping sound. You could also experience back pain from simply being still. On top of that, you live alone, so you may not be able to get a nice and soothing massage from a family member or your partner. So what do you do then?

Here are some ways to treat your back pain when you live alone.

Sleep better.


One of the simplest ways to treat and prevent back pain is to sleep better. Poor sleeping positions can lead to days of back pain, which can affect your quality of life. Maybe you won’t be able to enjoy playing with your dog or going for a swim at the local pool.

To sleep better, ensure your pillow is the right size and density so you’re not sleeping with your neck in a weird position. Likewise, you can add a firm pillow between your knees to keep your spine aligned in a neutral position and make sure your mattress is firm enough for your body to stay aligned as well.

Have good posture.

Piggybacking from the last section, your sleeping position is not the only important posture you need to have. Your everyday posture will also help you either relieve your back pain or make it worse. This is because a poor posture can strain your back in certain areas, like your lower back, when in reality, the spine needs to be aligned so no muscles are working harder than others.

Moreover, not having the right posture can lead to a pinched nerve, which will prevent you from moving as you would like to. So try to stand and sit with your back straightened out without hunching your shoulders. It will take some time to get used to it, but you will see this will be beneficial for you in the long run.

Regularly visit your chiropractor.


If you detect that you have back pain, be sure to create an appointment with your chiropractor so they can check out what’s truly bothering you. You may have some underlying issues or symptoms like numbness, migraines, or osteoarthritis that can be causing your back pain, neck pain, or even shoulder pain. A chiropractor can provide you with a full evaluation and guidance on how to treat your pain or specific condition at home with medication or physical therapy.

If you’re looking for a chiropractor in Denver, CO, then the Denver Integrated Spine Center is a good fit for you. At the Spine Center, a team of specialized therapists with years of experience will be able to treat your chronic back pain as well as helping you recover from injuries from a car accident or other incidents that are affecting your daily life. The doctors provide innovative chiropractic care, effective techniques, and wellness services so their patients can go back to living their best, pain-free lives.

Get the proper medication.

Another thing you can do is take your medications as prescribed. Sometimes, we go to the doctor but struggle to keep up with our medications because either we forget to take them or we simply don’t want to drive to the pharmacy to get our meds. Well, now you can kiss those excuses goodbye with CheapoMeds.

CheapoMeds is a top online pharmacy that’s going to help you get back on track with your prescription medications to relieve your chronic pain. You’ll find the right prescription drugs with additional discounts and even refill your own from the comfort of your home, so you never have to drive to another pharmacy again. You can get them delivered straight to your porch so you can keep up with your prescriptions without driving a single mile.

These tips will work if you live alone, so go ahead, give them a try.